Educational Technology and Mobile Learning blog provides all the tips, tutorials, and guides that you need to effectively integrate technology in your teaching.
Blended Learning and the Keys to Academic Achievement
Discover all about blended learning, a hybrid teaching methodology. models and applications with online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods professional development is now a reality with courses, classes, and workshops that teachers can access anywhere, at any time, on any device.
Web Development Trends 2019
Smart developers are always looking ahead for ways to adapt in the ever changing world of web development. As trends emerge, new opportunities will arise. No one could have imagined what the web would look like today 20 years ago, so who knows what the coming decades will hold. Staying on top of the latest web development trends could eventually help you land a job that doesn’t exist yet. Here is a roundup of front end web development trends to keep an eye on in 2019.
Exploring Differences Between HTTP Preload vs HTTP/2 Push
HTTP Preload and HTTP/2’s feature “Server Push” are both methods that can be used to improve the loading efficiency of your web application. Although there are similarities between Push and Preload, they are two distinct features and each serve their own purpose. In this article, we’ll go over the similarities and differences between HTTP Preload vs HTTP/2 Push and discuss when it makes sense to use each. What Is HTTP/2 Push?
Tree Shaking - How to Clean Up Your JavaScript
Tree shaking is a strategy web developers use to create leaner JavaScript bundles by getting rid of unused code. This guide will explain how to utilize tree shaking to your advantage with a module bundler such as webpack
Kubernetes Tutorial - an Introduction to the Basics
Google created Kubernetes to help developers better manage their containerized applications across clusters. Although a beta version was released in 2014, the first stable release of Kubernetes was just made available in September 2018. The following Kubernetes tutorial will cover the basic architecture and uses for this popular new tool. The Need for Containerization Today’s internet users don’t tolerate downtime, so developers have had to find ways to perform maintenance and updates without interrupting their services.